
Shooting from the Hip Flask

Shooting from the Hip Flask

An Affair Not to Remember

Brendan’s (first) affair was just what any late 30’s woman with kids could expect...

Shooting from the Hip Flask

And So It Blows

When I say shit hit the fan, I wasn’t kidding...

Shooting from the Hip Flask

Back to My Future, II

I know I needed to circle back on the “how did I get here question”...

Shooting from the Hip Flask

Can I just pee alone, please?

So I was sitting in my car in the driveway the other night...

Shooting from the Hip Flask

Back to My Future

A friend told me I should jump back before going forward...

Shooting from the Hip Flask

Life's No Crappy Plane Ride

I remember that feeling when I was first divorced...

Shooting from the Hip Flask

Love Yourself First

Jerry McGuire had it all wrong. Or, more accurately, screenwriter now...

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