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Singles Say

Tall, Dark and Digital

New Year's Revolution

  By | Monday, 04 January 2016

Ay ay ay. The year 2016 is in town and, for me...


it’s off to a pretty damn good start. I’m not going to divulge the reasons why that’s the case, but in due time you’ll hear all about it. Sorry, I know. We quickly hurdled into the new year and I’m already making you wait. Swipe left on me.

All my single adventures in 2015 were fun, but I have a feeling this year is gonna be a bit different. New year, new me, right?

Like many of you probably did, I started the new year by reflecting on what shaped me in the previous year. Then I realized that’s way too deep. I’m 26 years old. Not 50.

What says a lot about a person? That’s the question I decided to ask myself. It’s always been a bit tough for me to search internally for a conclusion on self purpose. So I turned it into a game. Because games are fun. And fun is better than deep.

Here’s what I found:

1. Recent Emojis

I feel like the emoji keyboard could very likely replace the common alphabet by the end of 2016. And I’m all for it. If a picture says 1,000 words, then an emoji says them louder, and with a smile.

Your frequently used emojis say a lot about you. If you flip to the first section of your emoji keyboard, you’ll know what I’m referencing. On mine, I have the most random, eclectic mess of slightly tanned pink-shirt girl locomotive gestures. She’s a versatile digital creature with a wide spectrum of emotional flavors. She can wave, massage, appear curious, pout, look uneasy, get out of her mind, and much more. Although it’s always subject to change, my frequently used emojis are currently dominated by pink shirt Penny (that’s what I call her).

Besides Penny, there’s an assortment of yellow, circle-headed minions. Some are nerds, while others are laughing so hard they begin to cry.

So how can I tell who I am based on my frequent emojis? Well, there’s always that one emoji that’s nothing like the others. The randomest of the random. That little salient pixelated partner of mine is currently the turkey emoji. Clearly, Thanksgiving is over and I need to move on, but I tend to dwell on the past.

Resolution: No more dwelling.

2. LinkedIn Skills

The social network that tries to wear a tie can be a big, open sky showcasing someone’s personality. At the bottom of a LinkedIn profile, there’s an area to post “Skills.” Of course, I include skills I’m actually good at. I wouldn’t fudge a resume like I would an ice cream sundae.

A few of my most premier skills are: Blogging, Copywriting, and Cuddling.

You might think the first two make sense, but honestly, my cuddling ability is the strongest in the bunch.

Resolution: Keep cuddling skills on point. Improve at blogging and copywriting...maybe while cuddling.

3. Dancing

I wouldn’t say I’m good at dancing. But I certainly try. I’m a tall guy with arms long enough to unscrew most ceiling light bulbs. That means I occasionally look like Gumby when I cut a rug to the latest Bieber jam. Is it too late to say sorry? Yes, there’s a good chance I used my lankiness to knock over a floor lamp mid spin move. The dance floor is now literally on fire. At least I’m smiling.

Also, I’ve heard this before, but it’s worth sharing here. Quality dancing is an indicator of quality sex. Think about an old partner. Could they pop, lock, and drop it on the dance floor? Chances are those Huey moves translated to the bed.

Resolution: Get better at dancing so I can be better at sex.

4. Eyes

I hate cliches, but this one really resonates with me. “Eyes are the windows to the soul.” Let me shake off the cliche cringe. Okay, I’m good now.

Eyes really do say a lot. Their shape, steadiness, and shine can reveal a variety of emotions. I, for one, tend to furrow my brow and lip-smile when I’m going for a full on puppy-eyed look. I think that making intimate eye contact with a significant other can help scale some trust boundaries in a hurry.

When I’m making eye contact, I feel like I’m expressing that I have nothing to hide.

Resolution: Keep my eyes open for “the one.”

5. Sleep formation

There are side sleepers, stomach snoozers, and dorsi dreamers. And then there are those that find the need to alliterate all sleeping tendencies.

As for me, I prefer forehead to forehead, Conehead-esque style cuddling. Take my word for it. After all, it’s one of my LinkedIn skills.

Resolution: Keep my eyes closed so I can sleep more.

These are just a few of my New Year’s resolutions. What’re yours? Let’s cuddle and discuss.