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Singles Say

Shooting from the Hip Flask

And Blow Your House Down

  By | Wednesday, 28 October 2015

After Brendan and Jean had been kicked our of her parents home...


they made a quick decision to move into the Radisson Hotel. They rented a suite and promptly moved in. I can’t imagine this was any bit of the game plan, but what choice did they have?

Interestingly, Brendan immediately jumped back into the hard sell of the family unit to the kids. Now that he could see them again, why not, right? This relationship was super solid, right? After all, look at all they had weathered together. What a fool I was for thinking otherwise! Right?!?!

But really, those poor darling kids. They had been to Brendan’s condo, to Jean’s house, to Jean’s parents house and now to the hotel all under two years. But the hotel had a pool, and while it was chaotic, Brendan and Jean tried to keep their visitation with the kids somewhat regular. We all just pieced things together the best we could.

One day G came home and told me, “Dad is building Jean a home!” Hmm. Is he now? Let’s not forget Brendan was still unemployed. So again, Brendan really had no hand in this house at all, but he was “building it for her." At least that was what he was telling anyone that would listen.

And I got why he did that. For a man that defined himself by material things, I am sure he was acutely aware of how things must outwardly have appeared. But I always wondered how Jean felt about that. I wondered because I had seen this pattern in myself; I enabled Brendan job after job, material thing after thing, until we majorly broke. I wondered if she justified this just like I did, hoping that letting him have his moment would somehow make him happy.

And now there was another new home. I hoped it was a more realistic home for them, one where they could finally settle after two years of slight chaos. Brendan told the kids that everything would be great. Not only would they all be a happy family, but also the house would be perfect for all of them. Each of the kids would have hir or her own room, and Brendan asked them to pick out their paint colors. G and L were cautious, but seriously hopeful. I was cautious, but seriously doubtful.

The house was finally ready and everyone was making plans to move.

And then what I had always known was going to happen, happened. I called John to share the news. One week before they were to move in, Jean told Brendan he couldn’t move in with her.