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Singles Say

Shooting from the Hip Flask

Break Fast

  By | Thursday, 11 February 2016

I haven’t written anything in a few weeks...


It’s not because I don’t enjoy the writing or because I can’t think of anything to say. Honestly, I’ve just been overloaded.

It happens at times. And it is what it is. The last few weeks I have been in crank mode with my job. I’m also helping a friend get her medical clinic off the ground. I’ve been busy shuffling the kids around to their commitments, and I had a good friend’s mother pass away, so I wanted to be there for her.

I needed to stop the madness a bit and scale back. A few things had to go, and my blog entries were one of them. There were others.

It’s funny; I used to beat myself up over my inability to meet every commitment that crossed my plate. Letting go wasn’t easy for me, neither was delegation. And certainly not asking for help, which is still my biggest hurdle. But one of the great lessons I have learned in being a mother, and even more so in being a single mother, is how to loosen control I have over everything. It’s hard to do, but I had to come to grips with the fact that I just couldn’t do everything, no matter how much I really wanted to. That realization has intersected my life many times, both personally and professionally. Acknowledging that actually helped me to become aware of my abilities and limitations (sometimes painfully so). But ultimately, I have found a comfort in having a strong sense of my capabilities.

The next part to that was learning how to be blazingly unapologetic for it. And THAT was tough. Still is. It’s hard when you want to do everything, and you hate to disappoint anyone who might expect things from you. But I try to cut myself some slack and remind myself that I do the absolute best I can. I try to be a good person and do right by others. But I have to also do right by my family and myself and it sometimes falls to prioritizing what I have on my plate.

And so here I am. Back writing and just plugging away. Doing the best I can do with what I’ve got. Hope it’s enough.

I'm big on portion control.