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I just found out this was happening to me as well. The "other girl" reached out to me over a month ago through a FB message. The only problem was that she was not a friend on FB and so the message went into a "spam" folder that I had no idea existed. This was until I sold an ATV through FB and was informed of the folders existence. When I looked at the messages in that folder, (I had unread messages from 2009), I came across hers. She had reached out to me mid April asking me if I was dating him... Subsequently, a conversation was started and I discovered that they had been in a relationship the entire year and a half that we were also together. She knew of me and that he and I were dating. It took me out at the knees. I was devastated. Since this is still so new and raw, I am still feeling sad. Like I wasn't enough, I did something to deserve this. It is only in the last few days that I've began to feel a bit angry about it all. How could someone be so malicious and hurtful? I still don't understand it and probably never will... Disgusting. It makes me mad that she stayed with him and carried on her relationship with him despite knowing about us. I'm mad that he would do such a thing as well. I thought I could trust him. He practically lived with me at one point. I was a great girlfriend. I just can't wrap my head around this all. It's like something you see on TV but doesn't happen in real life. But it does. And it did.