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Singles Say

Quarter to Zen

I'm No Expert

  By | Tuesday, 14 July 2015

If you’re looking for advice you’ve come to the wrong place...


In the present-day world of self-proclaimed experts I can definitively say that I’m not one of them. I am a Jack-of-all-trades and a master of none. I like to think well-rounded. Somewhat of a renaissance-man wannabe. But we all have something to say. And we all like to believe what we have to say is relevant. And of course, we would all like to believe that people listen when we say it and that they walk away a little better, more knowledgeable, enlightened, entertained and hopefully not regretful for spending the time doing so. For me that means sharing my perspective. Let me write that word again, P-E-R-S-P-E-C-T-I-V-E. Not doling out advice but simply sharing my perspective that perhaps will lead to a conversation or maybe some introspection.

For the sake of this blog that means sharing my perspective on relationships and what being single is and means to me. I’ve been single for the last few years. I’m in the middle of my life. The older I get the more comfortable I feel about myself, my singleness, whether I’m by myself or with someone else. I’ll share some observations. I’ll share some personal experiences and anecdotes. I’ll quote people, movies, books and songs. I’m not religious but I may sprinkle in some thought-provoking words of Buddhism. Pick and choose what you will if it helps you to become more comfortable with yourself, your singleness.

Let me preface any and all of it with a few disclaimers. Talking about myself makes me throw-up in my mouth a little. I’m just not comfortable doing it. However every now and then we should all leave our comfort zone which is exactly why I’m blogging on this site. I’ve been single and I’ve been part of a couple and I’ve enjoyed and struggled with both for short and long periods of time. I’ve learned a lot. I was once very immature. I’ve grown. Which is to say I’ve grown when it comes to relationships and as a person. Before anyone I know chimes in, I realize that at times I can still behave immaturely, smartass. And speaking of people I know, especially anyone who I’ve hurt or who has hurt me during a relationship, I’m sorry and I’m a stronger person because of it, respectively. I’m most likely not the same person I was when we dated. Enough said.

Come back. Follow along. Share your thoughts. Shower me with praise. Call me names. Take it or leave it. I’m happy to share my perspective. Just don’t ask me for advice.